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ISOA welcomes applications from companies that work in the stability sector, anywhere around the world, supporting defense, diplomacy, and development projects. 

Membership Application Process

Due to the unique standards-based nature of the Association, the ISOA Membership Committee and Board review all applications prior to acceptance. This process may take several weeks after a completed application is submitted.

All ISOA member companies subscribe to the ISOA Code of Conduct, which represents a significant step towards better regulating private sector operations in conflict and post-conflict environments. ISOA’s high standards will both benefit the industry and further the advancement of peace, the expansion of international development, and the protection of human security.

► Step 1
Applicants must submit their completed application and supporting documentation through the Membership Portal on the ISOA website.

► Step 2
The ISOA Membership Committee reviews the application and documentation for completion.

► Step 3
The verified application packet is presented to the Board of Directors for approval. The prospective company will be informed of the Board’s decision within two weeks.

► Step 4
Approved applicants become members upon payment of their dues invoice. New members are eligible to represent themselves as ISOA members, use the ISOA logo in their promotional material, and access all the benefits provided by the Association.

Membership Benefits

Corporate members are organizations that are leaders in the stability operations and development sectors, providing services in fragile environments worldwide. Corporate members are signatories to the ISOA Code of Conduct, able to lead Committees and Working Groups, and if elected, eligible to sit on the ISOA Board of Directors. Learn more about Membership Benefits

Membership Dues

Tier LevelAnnual RevenueAnnual Dues (USD)
Tier 1 Plusmore than $2 billion$21,000
Tier 1$500 million - $2 billion$18,000
Tier 2$200.1-$500 million$15,000
Tier 3$100.1-$200 million$12,100
Tier 4$20.1-$100 million$7,700
Tier 5
$3.1 - $20 million$4,000
Tier 6Less than $3 million$2,900


For questions about ISOA membership, please contact Director of Membership Hector Velez at

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